General Donation Fund - Spoutwood Farm

General Donation Fund

From: $50.00

We at Spoutwood Farm, ask you to partner with us by “contributing to the conversation” in a joint mission of hope in reconnecting people to their source, the natural world.  Your thoughtful contributions, via donation to the fund raising efforts, and by spreading the word about what we do, will support our numerous educational efforts throughout the year.  As a non-profit organization, though, these inspirational and educational missions require resources, and funding.

SKU: general-donation-fund Category:


NOTE: If you would like to donate in-kind gift(s) or volunteer services please contact us with details.


Spoutwood Farm Center, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational farm that demonstrates, promotes and advocates for our interconnected sustainable partnership with Nature. Spoutwood Farm is a place of beauty, respite and renewal, inspiring people to reconnect to Nature by honoring the living web of our particular place on Earth, through celebration, wonder, and stewardship. Spoutwood’s heartfelt belief is that through fresh, locally grown food, and effective plant-animal-people partnerships with the land we will build a vital, just and sustainable world for the 21st century.